The Sciences

Our fundamental aim when teaching the Science subjects – Biology, Chemistry and Physics – is to inspire in pupils a fascination and wonder towards this amazing universe we inhabit. From the awe inspiring macroscopic universe of galaxies and black holes to the mind bending microscopic world of atoms and quarks, via the miracle of human biology and life on Earth, we view Science as a journey of discovery.
The Wonder of Science
Science lessons should never be dull – their subject matter is far too extraordinary. If Science lessons are too dry and abstract many pupils will begin to switch off. Therefore it is essential that classes fully engage all children and not just the more scientifically inclined pupils. It is no coincidence that the majority of our pupils accomplish an equal balance of scientific and humanities GCSEs. To achieve this it is important to establish a balance between the practical work of scientific experiments and the more theoretical exploration of the big questions of existence.
Children love to discuss the implications of scientific discoveries, the mind expanding possibilities that science opens up. And so sometimes we will spend whole lessons contemplating the nature of life, of the universe, of time and space, of other dimensions, of mysteries such as dark matter and energy or the possibilities inherent in genetics, robotics, computing etc… Within these discussions the teacher encourages pupils to use their scientific knowledge to find answers to their own questions and imparts new knowledge to help them grasp the seemingly ungraspable.
'The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing. One cannot help but be in awe when contemplating the mysteries of eternity, of life, of the marvellous structure of reality. It is enough if one tries merely to comprehend a little of this mystery every day.'
Albert Einstein

Hands on Science
As fascinating as it is to ponder upon the philosophical possibilities of science it is necessary to back this up with practical work. This of course means plenty of hands on experiments, where the pupils are able to directly engage with science in action. Practical work also means observation, but not just looking. Real scientific observation involves looking at the world as if we have never seen it before and asking why and how? It requires training the pupils to avoid taking life for granted and instead to question and wonder.
The school broadly follows the National Curriculum and prepares pupils to take either Dual or Triple Science GCSEs.
'When you make the finding yourself - even if you are the last person on Earth to see the light - you will never forget it.'
Carl Sagan
Science Curriculum Outline
Here is a general outline of our Science curriculum. Please note that this is principally a guide and is subject to change.