School Policies
The New Forest Small School has a culture of continuous improvement and works closely with its Governance Advisory Board to ensure that its policies are implemented, monitored and reviewed as necessary and that relevant staff training is provided. We always aim to meet or exceed the Independent Schools Standards and other relevant legislation.
We welcome feedback from parents on any aspect of our policies and would advise those with suggestions or concerns to contact the Headteacher in the first instance.
A link to each of the school’s policies is available below. All of the policies are also available in hard copy in the school office.
Allegations Against Staff (including Low Level Concerns)
* During the 2023/24 academic year, we had 0 complaints under the formal procedure.
Equality, Inclusion and Cohesion
Parent and Carers Code of Conduct
Restrictive Physical Intervention
Sex and Relationship Education
Spiritual Moral Social Cultural
Complaints Received: 0