Parent's Comments

"When my daughter first joined NFSS at the age of 11, she had severe depression and anxiety and was talking about suicide. She was barely eating anything, had no social life at all, and had been out of education for over six weeks.
She's now a happy, confident 15-year-old who's achieving excellent grades in her mocks and has ambitions to study architecture at Cambridge, but what amazes me even more is the transformation in her mental health and social skills. It's wonderful to watch her catching the bus into Southampton or Lymington to meet up with friends - something I never thought I'd see - and e-mailing local architects about work experience opportunities. I'm beyond grateful to Nick and the rest of the team at NFSS for all the work that must have gone into achieving these outcomes."
Mrs AB (Totton)
"Our son attends The New Forest Small School and after many experiences in other schools he is finally really happy and loves school. He is learning and always wants to go to school and I receive lots of feedback from him. This is a great source of relief and joy to us and we are very grateful that schools like The New Forest Small School exist. We want our child’s school experience to be a happy one and so it is important that choice in schools is possible."
Mrs R (Bournemouth)

"I cannot speak highly enough of the utmost care and attention that has been shown to our son and the tremendous difference his time at the New Forest Small School has made to him."
Mrs RH (Ashurst)
Both my children attend the Primary Class. They are both socially adept, well-adjusted, self-expressed, intelligent kids. They are also sports minded with a fantastic knowledge and understanding of our world, and a strong sense of justice.
The academic standard my children achieved in the exams last summer was outstanding. I believe the school has had a major influence not only on their education, but also on our lives and our family’s positive development.
Mrs CL (Minstead)
Also See
Our son is thriving in this nurturing environment. There is no doubt in our minds that now his sense of well-being and belonging has been realised he cannot fail to reach his potential.
We believe the New Forest Small School is a shining example of a school that is preparing children for adulthood.
Mr AF & Mrs CF

Our daughter does not need specialist schooling, just small class sizes in a small school environment. The New Forest Small School has given her that. It has transformed her.
Mr PS & Mrs PS (Hythe)
The teachers are warm, caring and gentle, and the age mix of the children make it feel like one big family; an environment I believe to be perfect for a child to learn and grow.
Mr RB & Mrs LB