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The School's Curriculum 

As a totally independent small school we are in a unique position to offer a curriculum that is both relevant to the times we live in and is specially designed to address the educational needs of the whole child.


Our curriculum not only offers excellent academic standards, but also incorporates time for children to explore and create for themselves. A significant part of the timetable in Kindergarten and Lower/Middle Primary is given over to developing the child’s social and emotional development, to helping the child blossom so that they have the confidence to cope with life’s challenges and the desire to explore and learn.

'The curriculum is very strong. Staff plan highly engaging activities that capture pupils’ interest. Pupils are skilfully taught knowledge and skills in a wide range of subjects. As a result, pupils enjoy learning and make sound progress.' Ofsted Report, June 2018

At the New Forest Small School we have carefully developed our own curriculum. This has involved adapting the National Curriculum to provide a richer and more thorough educational environment for our pupils, whilst ensuring that the school’s philosophy is not compromised. Some subjects, such as the core subjects of English, Maths and Science, remain fairly faithful to the National Curriculum once children reach Secondary age. However, other subjects such as History are significantly different as we teach History chronologically.


We believe that schools should provide a balanced and wide ranging curriculum throughout a child’s education. 

The school follows the four key stages –

Key Stage 1 – The Kindergarten

Key Stage 2 – The Primary Classes

Key Stage 3 – The Pre-GCSE Secondary Classes

Key Stage 4 – GCSE Secondary Classes

Also See

The subject overviews below cover Key Stages 2 to 4.


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